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esemComp helps composing ESEM-within-CFA syntaxes to be run in lavaan. It has helper functions to create target rotation matrices and to run (ESEM-like) exploratory factor analyses.


You can install esemComp from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("MateusPsi/esemComp", build_vignettes = TRUE)


The basic usage of the package follows the steps: make target rotation matrix (optional) > do exploratory factor analysis > compose syntax > run model in lavaan > export results (optional).

# use Holzinger and Swineford (1939) dataset in lavaan package
hw_data <- lavaan::HolzingerSwineford1939
hw_data <- hw_data[,c(7:15)]

#make exploratory analysis with geomin rotation
geomin_efa <- esem_efa(hw_data,3)
#> Loading required namespace: GPArotation
referents_list <- list(textual = "x5", visual = "x3", speed = "x7")
model_syntax <- syntax_composer(geomin_efa, referents_list)
#> textual =~ start(0.193)*x1+
#> start(0.042)*x2+
#> -0.066*x3+
#> start(0.845)*x4+
#> start(0.884)*x5+
#> start(0.804)*x6+
#> 0.035*x7+
#> start(-0.044)*x8+
#> start(0.024)*x9 
#> visual =~ start(0.595)*x1+
#> start(0.509)*x2+
#> start(0.688)*x3+
#> start(0.02)*x4+
#> -0.061*x5+
#> start(0.083)*x6+
#> -0.137*x7+
#> start(0.137)*x8+
#> start(0.391)*x9 
#> speed =~ start(0.029)*x1+
#> start(-0.124)*x2+
#> 0.016*x3+
#> start(0.009)*x4+
#> 0.009*x5+
#> start(-0.011)*x6+
#> start(0.731)*x7+
#> start(0.688)*x8+
#> start(0.455)*x9

# esem-within-cfa
esem_w_cfa <- lavaan::cfa(model_syntax, data = hw_data, = TRUE)
# save results to a text file

Be sure to check the esem-within-cfa vignette for a more comprehensive display of the package logic and capabilities:


Bug reports, feature requests or contributions are welcome! Get in touch on github or by email.